Sunday, October 10, 2010

Once again this week has been a busy one. I even had the day off yesterday, planning to spend some time in the garage but homework takes me like 5 hours instead of 2 that I think it will. (I'm not real bright)
I hope, hope, hope I will get to work on something this weekend.
but until then...
Here is a Sneak Peak at my clock I am making for my living room
which I am very excited about..

And a small glimpse at what I began sanding on Saturday.....

Yes. That is a Keyhole you see!. along with a very cute handle.
And Yes. It does have adorable little casters for feet.
All of which make me giddy inside.
Until next time..

Paint Stripper Tutorial

Tutorial: My Experience with a Paint Stripper

I experimented with Using Paint Stripper which I have been a little afraid of. But I picked up a dresser and it has a Terribly Horrendous Paint Job as you can see.
Thick, Globby and weird.

The blue paint was Scary and no match for a sander. I had no other choice.
This is what brand I used, and the supplies I used as well.

The Stripper says it is a spray on but I just globbed a thick layer on and spread it with my hands, Double Gloved.
Here is what it looked like with the stripper applied.
You can see it starting to warp the paint after a few minutes.
I let it sit on there for about 15 to 20 minutes.

After it has been on 15-20 min, take your scraper and start scraping it off.
It actually glides off. Easier than I expected.

Scrape as much off as you can. It comes off in huge Globs of paint.
Just Slopp it onto some news paper.
(You will accuire quite the pile which I managed to step in 3 times. )

If it leaves any areas of paint that don't scrape easily,
just put more stripper on & let it sit
for a few minutes.
Once you have Scraped everything off that you can,
Use the wire brush & scrub all the areas that have any details like
the corners or any groove that still have junk in them.
Here is a picture of the plain wood after it has been scraped.

Now you can sand it smooth or sand it down all over to the bare wood.
It is a little time consuming but not as bad as I thought.
I would only recommend this on pieces with mostly flat surfaces.
It would be a nightmare to try this on something that had lots of detailing.

Let me know if you have any questions.