Friday, October 30, 2009

My amazing husband installed new tall baseboards for me today. He's the best. I was going to do before, during and after pictures but he ripped up the old ones before I expected, and he got the new ones installed today before I even expected him to! So tomorrow we will caulk and paint them. Then I will post Pictures of my new lovely large baseboards.
Stay tuned....

Friday, October 23, 2009

I just got an Email from Linda at lindaslittlebits. Linda awarded me the ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD! Thank you so much!! I'm so happy that other people have enjoyed the things I've done. I'm glad I can inpire someone out there, because I know how excited I get when I see someone else's project that gives me some great ideas! Thank you Linda! You made my day today! Now it is my turn to award 15 fellow Blogladies. These are a few fun, entertaining, and inspiring blogs I like to keep my eye on... (click on each one for their link)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Well let me just say that my new friend over at BETTER AFTER made my day!
She featured me on her blog! (Click here to see her blog)
You know when someone leaves you a nice little note out of the blue? And you feel all giddy inside? That is me! Thank you so much! I love her blog. She just displays before and after pictures of everybody's projects no matter what they are. So go check out her blog! Especially if you have something you need to re-do, and you just havn't whipped up any good ideas. There are tons of them!

CLICK HERE to see her post all about my things!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Step by Step chair Re-d0

1.) Remove staples with needle nose plyers & take material off.

- Sand out any scratches and nicks on wooden areas that will be visible.
- Prime wooden areas that will be painted.

-After priming, sand with a fine sand paper. Wipe with damp cloth
-Paint 2 coats. After it dries, Sand again with very fine sand paper & wipe off
- Seal. I use polyeurathane with a Satin finish.

-Lay old pieces of matieral out on top of the back side of new material.
Trace with pencil and cut each piece out.

-Lay the piece of material on the chair and center it so it will stretch over the batting evenly. Use a nail gun and start at one side, nailing the material into place, working your way around the chair. My chair had large pins in some areas. They came in so handy because they cover up any folded areas so you cannot see a seam. (notice on the side of the seat.)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kitchen Before and After

(Click on Picture!)

Its a before and after Party for Home improvement projects! So I thought I would post pics of my Kitchen, and I just finished my new little cornice yesterday so perfect timing.
I havn't posted any pictures of my kitchen since it got a facelift last year. So here it is so far...
I'm going to do the After first, because the before is quite scary.



We actually lived with the blue counter tops and laminate cupboards for a year. Then I ordered new cabinet doors, as plain wood (paint grade) and painted them myself. It took FOREVER but it was worth every second and saved alot of money! Then my brother put in new countertops for us, and My Husband put the crown moulding on top. I'd say it made quite a difference. I've been so happy with it.

Don't forget to go to the DIY Show Off (click here) & see all of the before and after projects that people have submitted! Lot of great projects to see! Or if you have a home improvement project you've been working on, Add your link to her site!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Flea Market!

This morning we got to the Flea Market right when it opened. They had so much cool stuff! It was in the parking lot of an Antique store, and the store was having a sale too. Each of us found cool stuff. I wish I would have taken pictures of the things my friends got too so I could show you. Maybe I'll round them up. These were my cool finds for the day.

This is my favorite. It sits on my counter as a little recipe stand. I did find out that it is an old shoe display stand. (I gave it a good scrub down after I found that out...) The best part is, I don't have to do anything to it! Its way cute. Got it for 3$

I found these old lock plates. I've been looking all over for these. I almost ordered some from ebay but I'm glad I didn't. These were 1$ each.

I'm not sure what to call this. It was 5$. I used this on my cornice above my Kitchen window. Click here to see my kitchen

K, I love this. No clue what it is. Just a tall post thing. But I love it!

Anyway.. I highly recommend that if you hear about a Flea Market in your area, don't pass it up! Also, this is a great blog with lots of ideas on flea market finds and what to do with them! check it out! (click here)

An exciting day tomorrow... Flea Market starts at 7:00 a.m. Can't wait to see what we might find!